An end to my domain name troubles

— is awesome.
Published on 24-03-2023 by emily

Today, at 12:40, I received an email with the subject line "request (domain DONUT.EU.ORG) accepted". is an online service offering free domain names for individuals and non-profit organizations that cannot afford regular domain names.

If you'd like to show them some much deserved support, see this page.

So, thank you for helping out the little guy,!

I know the blog has been silent lately. The reason for this is simple: I can't think of anything to write about.

If you have any ideas for what I should do, whether it be about new articles or other things regarding the site, send me some electronic mail.

If you have any questions, see the new FAQ page, which is filled with questions that nobody has ever asked me.

- emily

I've also hidden some easter eggs (maybe even in this article), definitely let me know if you find any. :^)